2022, Vol. 2, Issue 2, Part A
Rural dwellers involvement in charcoal production in three agro-ecological zones of Nigeria
Author(s): Eniola PO and Odebode SO
Abstract: Quick income from charcoal has encouraged many rural dwellers to involve in its production in Nigeria. Involvement in charcoal production (CP) is a factor that constitute to large scale production among rural dwellers. Therefore, involvement in charcoal production among rural dwellers in three agro-ecological zones of Nigeria was investigated. A total of 327 charcoal producers in the three selected agro-ecological zones were selected through multi stage sampling procedure. Structured interview schedule responses were analysed using both descriptive and inferential statistics. Findings reflected the same age-range of between 35 and 44 years. Majorities (88.0% and 92.0%) of respondents were males and married respectively. Most (63.7%) of the respondents had formal education. Less than 50.0% of respondents took CP as primary occupation with average years of experience of 13 ±4.9. Almost 100.0% of the respondents made use of earth mound method of CP in the study area. Across the agro-ecological zones, 51.6% in derived savannah (DS) and 60.0% in guinea savannah (GS) had high level of involvement in the stages of CP while only 39.8percent of respondents in the rainforest (RF) zone had high level of involvement in the stages of CP. There was a significant difference in level of involvement in the various stages of CP across the agro-ecological zones (F = 34.848). Livelihood activities such as fishery, bee keeping, snailery, and horticulture that could reduce their involvement in CP should be encouraged.
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How to cite this article:
Eniola PO, Odebode SO. Rural dwellers involvement in charcoal production in three agro-ecological zones of Nigeria. South Asian J Agric Sci 2022;2(2):15-20.