2023, Vol. 3, Issue 1, Part A
Decision making, participation of family members and training needs of backyard poultry farmers in poultry management practices
Author(s): Vidya Kumar Jagalur and Manjula N
Abstract: Small-scale backyard poultry farming is one way for rural women to make money in their local neighbourhood. The present investigation was carried out in two districts of Karnataka state namely Dharwad and Belgaum. From each district 60 back yard poultry farmers were selected randomly which constituted total sample size of 120. The ex-post facto research design was employed and appropriate statistical tools were applied to analyse the data. The study revealed that, majority (40.00%) of backyard poultry famers belonged to high decision making category. While, 58.33 per cent of the backyard poultry farmers belonged to medium level of participation in poultry farming activities. About 80.83 per cent backyard poultry farmers expressed that they need training on identification of diseases symptoms and its control, followed by balanced feed preparation using locally available/household ingredients (58.33%), increasing hatchability of eggs (55.00%). Hence, there is a need for timely vaccination and create awareness about it in rural areas.
Pages: 08-13 | Views: 961 | Downloads: 378Download Full Article: Click Here
How to cite this article:
Vidya Kumar Jagalur, Manjula N. Decision making, participation of family members and training needs of backyard poultry farmers in poultry management practices. South Asian J Agric Sci 2023;3(1):08-13.