2024, Vol. 4, Issue 1, Part B
Exploring the current consumer market status of chemical fertilizer Vs biofertilizer industries in West Bengal, India: An on-site investigation
Author(s): Souvik Dutta, Anirban Hazra, Indrani Paul and Neelanjan Mitra
Abstract: Increased awareness of the adversities imposed by the use of chemical fertilizers have compelled farmers to opt for sustainable alternatives, i.e., biofertilizers, over the past decades. West Bengal, being adjacent to rich alluvial zones of river Ganges, has an extensive stretch of fertile lands that makes agriculture the main occupation for the majority of people residing in those areas. The impact of the use of biofertilizers as an alternative to chemical fertilizers has hit the consumer market of chemical fertilizers, thus reducing the CAGR of chemical fertilizer industries significantly. On the contrary, the biofertilizer consumer market is trending to gear up by a considerable percentage. The present investigation tends to explore the current status of the fertilizer market in the heart of West Bengal rural areas with respect to this situation. After thorough surveys including 200 farmers from 4 different zones (50 sample population size from each) and 20 local fertilizer distributors, we conclude that, although farmers are opting out of purchasing chemical fertilizers for diverse reasons, yet a notable percentage have tended to shift to the use of biofertilizers over time. This study aimed at analysing the overall consumer market trend for fertilizer use in West Bengal, India, evaluation of factors that have affected their consumer market status and projecting strategic approaches that may help them troubleshoot the problem and thus maintain a stable position in the local competitive markets.
DOI: 10.22271/27889289.2024.v4.i1b.124Pages: 147-153 | Views: 869 | Downloads: 376Download Full Article: Click Here
How to cite this article:
Souvik Dutta, Anirban Hazra, Indrani Paul, Neelanjan Mitra.
Exploring the current consumer market status of chemical fertilizer Vs biofertilizer industries in West Bengal, India: An on-site investigation. South Asian J Agric Sci 2024;4(1):147-153. DOI: