P-ISSN: 2788-9289, E-ISSN: 2788-9297
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2024, Vol. 4, Issue 2, Part A

The effect of spraying with moringa leaf extract and Jasmonic acid on the growth, yield, and chemical content of two varieties of cowpea plants

Author(s): Karrar Abbas Dakhil Alshabbani and Hayder Sadaq Jaafar

Abstract: A field experiment was carried out at the research station belonging to the College of Agriculture at the University of Kufa in Najaf Governorate for the spring agricultural season 2023, to demonstrate the response of growth and yield of cowpea varieties to spraying with moringa leaf extract and jasmonic acid. The experiment included three factors, the first factor was two types of cowpeas, the American Ramchon and the Dutch, and the second factor. Foliar nutrition includes moringa leaf extract in three concentrations: 0, 2 and 4 g L-1. As for the third factor studied, foliar spraying included three concentrations of jasmonic acid, 0.10 and 20 gm L-1. These concentrations of both factors were sprayed on the vegetative system of cowpea plants with three sprays during the growing season, and the period between one spray and the next was 14 days. It was implemented according to split panels twice within the Randomized Complete Blocks Design (R.C.B.D) and with three replications, where the items were placed in the main plots, As for the concentrations of the plant extract, they were placed in the sub-plots, while the growth regulator and its concentrations were placed in the sub-sub-plots. An ANOVA was conducted and their means were compared using the Least Significant Difference (L.S.D.) test at the 0.05 probability level, and the results were summarized. As follows:1- The Dutch variety was significantly superior in the growth indicators of the studied vegetative plants, while the American cowpea variety Ramshon had a positive impact on the quantitative and chemical indicators. The total plant yield of green pods for the American variety amounted to 7,470 tons ha-1, compared to the lowest total yield of 5,886 tons ha-1. 1 In the Dutch experimental variety, spraying with moringa leaf extract at a concentration of 4 gm l-1 was significantly superior in all indicators of the studied experiment, such as vegetativeness, including the total leaf area, 3031.30 cm2 plant-1, the quantity of the plant’s yield of green pods, 61.51 gm plant-1, and the chemical content. The percentage of protein in the pods is 12.95%, and jasmonic acid at a concentration of 20 mg L-1 has a positive effect in increasing the vegetative growth index represented by the plant length of 45.88 cm.2. The double and triple interactions showed that there was a significant increase in the studied indicators, especially the triple interaction of the Dutch variety with spraying at a concentration of 4 gm l-1 of moringa leaf extract and spraying with a concentration of 10 mg l-1 of jasmonic acid.

Pages: 36-45 | Views: 254 | Downloads: 89

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South Asian Journal of Agricultural Sciences
How to cite this article:
Karrar Abbas Dakhil Alshabbani, Hayder Sadaq Jaafar. The effect of spraying with moringa leaf extract and Jasmonic acid on the growth, yield, and chemical content of two varieties of cowpea plants. South Asian J Agric Sci 2024;4(2):36-45.
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