2024, Vol. 4, Issue 2, Part C
Physico-chemical properties of soils in flooded and upland forest areas of Yola-North and Yola-South local government areas, Adamawa state, Nigeria
Author(s): Umar MR
Abstract: This study examined the Physicochemical properties of soils in flooded and upland forest areas of Yola-North and Yola-South Local Government Areas. Composite soil samples were collected from three selected points in two locations of both flooded and upland areas of the two LGAs. These were Jambutu and Runde in Yola-North and Yolde-Pate and Ngurore in Yola-South LGA. The depths of collection of soil samples in each point were 0-30, 31-60 and 61-90 Cm using hand auger. Laboratory analysis showed that the physical properties of the soil samples in Yola-North; sand, silt, clay, bulk density and porosity had values ranging from 37-70%, 11-16.67%, 19-46%, 1.28-1.53 gcm-3 and 37-51.67% while the chemical properties of soil, pH, EC, OC, TN, AV-P, Ca, Mg, Na, K, TEB, TEA, ECEC and PBS had values ranging from 6.57-6.75, 1.01-1.09 dS/m, 6.20-7.63 g/Kg,1.50-1.57 g/Kg, 7.68-9.34 mg/Kg, 7.27-12.00 Cmol/Kg, 1.82-3.10 Cmol/Kg, 0.11-0.39 Cmol/Kg, 0.09-0.51 Cmol/Kg, 5.13-8.01 Cmol/Kg, 1.28-2.23 Cmol/Kg, 10.46-18.45 Cmol/Kg and 72.70-79.33% in the LGA. Similarly, results from the physical properties of the soil samples in Yola-South; sand, silt, clay, bulk density and porosity had values ranging from 40-51%, 14.67-20.60%, 32-39%, 1.29-1.40 gcm-3 and 36.83-50.33% while the chemical properties of soil, pH, EC, OC, TN, AV-P, Ca, Mg, Na, K, TEB, TEA, ECEC and PBS had values ranging from 6.57-6.72, 1-1.08 dS/m, 6.70-7.70 g/Kg, 1.55-1.70 g/Kg, 7.80-9.30 mg/Kg, 8.50-12.70 Cmol/Kg, 1.90-3.61 Cmol/Kg, 0.1-0.25 Cmol/Kg, 0.11-0.52 Cmol/Kg, 5.30-8.01 Cmol/Kg, 1.6-2.10 Cmol/Kg, 12.41-18.45 Cmol/Kg and 71.93-78.14%. Multivariate Analysis of Variance (MANOVA) and Pearson Product Moment Correlation were used to test for significant differences in the physical and chemical properties of soils from the two LGAs. The mean separation of nutrient values was done using the Duncan Multiple Range Test. The results showed that all the physical properties except bulk density showed significant differences at p≤0.05 between upland and flooded soils. The assessment of the chemical properties of the soil samples showed significant differences at OC, AV-P, Ca, K + and TEB while there were no significant differences at p≤0.05 in the other properties. The R-values of correlation ranged from-0.01 and 0.97 in both the physical properties of the two LGAs. Similarly, the r-value ranged from-0.02 and 0.98 in both the chemical properties of the two LGAs. Thus it is concluded that some nutrients are leached during flooding; some are added as deposits while some are unaffected by flood. Further research could be geared towards identifying flood-tolerant tree species in the study area for forest conservation.
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How to cite this article:
Umar MR. Physico-chemical properties of soils in flooded and upland forest areas of Yola-North and Yola-South local government areas, Adamawa state, Nigeria. South Asian J Agric Sci 2024;4(2):175-189.