P-ISSN: 2788-9289, E-ISSN: 2788-9297
Printed Journal   |   Refereed Journal   |   Peer Reviewed Journal

2023, Vol. 3, Issue 2, Part A

Isolation and plant growth promoting properties of bacterial endophytes from wild plant (Wedelia urticifolia) of south Gujarat region

Author(s): Shivangi H Zaveri and Dr. Sumita Dasgupta

Abstract: The diverse community of endophyte is a critical resource in enhancing plant growth. The endophytic bacteria belong to a larger group of microorganisms that have their life-cycle partly or entirely inside the plant and are located in intra and inter-cellular spaces or in the vascular tissue. Increasing nutritional content in staple crops either through agronomic biofortification or through conventional plant-breeding strategies continue to be a huge task for scientists around the globe. The microbial world of endophytes having the ability of nutrient mineralization has been proved a boon to mitigate hunger of the global population. This study aims to determine plant growth-promoting properties of total fourteen bacterial endophytes isolates from Wedelia urticifolia. WUR4 strain shows the best results out of all other isolates and shows the best plant growth-promoting activities. These includes potential to fix the nitrogen (+), solubilize phosphate (3.2 mm, 0.4636±0.0183 mg/ml), solubilize potassium (6.8 mm, 0.1438±0.0066 mg/ml) and siderophore production (zone +++, 69.9033±1.1509 SU). Our findings indicate that this isolate WUR4 have potential for future agricultural biotechnological applications through development for sustainable crop improvement and to formulate bio inoculant as well as can be used as biofertilizers.

DOI: 10.22271/27889289.2023.v3.i2a.91

Pages: 41-48 | Views: 1010 | Downloads: 290

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South Asian Journal of Agricultural Sciences
How to cite this article:
Shivangi H Zaveri, Dr. Sumita Dasgupta. Isolation and plant growth promoting properties of bacterial endophytes from wild plant (Wedelia urticifolia) of south Gujarat region. South Asian J Agric Sci 2023;3(2):41-48. DOI: 10.22271/27889289.2023.v3.i2a.91
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